Centuries ago we went through our enlightenment only using rationality.
Now it’s high time for our souls to go through the same path, as our mind needs the same attention as our brain.
Let’s begin our journey towards this major step forward in consciousness we so desperately need, together
I can’t stop hearing caves, hills, mountains, volcanoes, Earth;
Non riesco a smettere di sentire fiumi, laghi, mari, oceani, Acqua;
Making music for me in my conscious dreams
The experiences of schizophrenia,
the dark devouring the soul
and the mind vainly trying to run away;
The extreme pain and anguish needed to overcome what feel like unclimbable mountains
Project in collaboration with Dorian Abialy, designer from Milan
The story of a soul on the brink of death, remembering it's past life, reliving everything, all at once;
The spirit leaving it's dying body and accepting that the time for a new journey has come